The Demonic Toys are back, so policewoman Judith Grey seeks the help of 12 inch tall Dollman and his 12 inch tall girlfriend, Nurse Ginger. The Toys hole up in an evil deserted toy factory and it's up to Dollman to keep the Toys from summoning the powers of darkness to the Earth. Judith Grey teams with Brick Bardo (Dollman) and his girlfriend Ginger to face the evil Demonic Toys for one final battle. Charles Band, President and CEO of Full Moon Pictures directed this completely trite, pointless heap of trash. Now, I loved Demonic Toys, Thought Bad Channels was fun and goofy, and Dollman was over the top, but Okay nonetheless. But this…Oh, this movie should never have been made. I take that back. There should have atleast been a Script to go by, not just whatever came up the day of the shot!!<br/><br/>At a whooping 64 mins long, the movie, as far as I'm concerend must have been edited to death. You can tell if you watch it. There seems to have been alot left on the cutting room floor. Anyway, The Demonic Toys are brought back to life by the Blood of a dead bum, who Crack his head wide open just from falling off a tricycle in the same toy factory in Demonic Toys. <br/><br/>Anyway, the movie proceeds with about 20-30 mins of flashbacks, Judith Grey dies, and baby OopsieDaisie almost gets some!! I must say I am a sucker for this movie, I own it, but it is still BAD!!!!!<br/><br/>3 out of 10 I rented this to see the use of puppets, I bought it because it was THE WORST movie I have ever seen. Everything that was makes a good movie was missing. Half of the only hour long movie was the back story to the three other movies it was a sequel of. I myself have been involved in some pretty terrible projects, but nothing on earth compares to this. I bought a copy so that when I feel one of my films is bad I can compare and say, "Atleast it's not this bad."
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The young man wanted a role model. He looked long and hard in his youth, but that role model never materialized. His only choice was to embrace all the people in his life he didn't want to be like
Zalquaqa replied
335 weeks ago